and, or, not

and, or, and not are the three basic types of boolean operators that are present in math, programming, and database logic.

In other programming languages, you might have seen the concept of and represented with &&, or, represented with ||, and not represented by !. The Python language is instead focused on readability. So we’ll use the english and instead of trying to remember fancy symbols. Python still uses the &, | and ! expressions, but they’re used for bitwise operations.

You can use them to compare one (or more expressions) and determine if they evaluate to True or False.

Thankfully, you don’t have to be a computer scientist to understand them if you use this handy table.

and, or, not Cheat Sheet

Operation Result
a or b if a is False, then b, else a
a and b if a is False, then a, else b
not a if a is false, then True, else False


For a and b, if a is false, a is returned. Otherwise b is returned. If a and b are both boolean values, the expression evaluates toTrue if both a and b are True.

>>> a = True    # a is True
>>> b = True
>>> a and b     # True is returned. (value of b)

>>> a = False   # a is False
>>> b = True
>>> a and b     # False is returned. (value of a)

>>> a = False   # a is False
>>> b = False
>>> a and b     # False is returned. (value of a)

Notice what happens when do the same thing to values that have a “truthiness” to them.

>>> bool(0) # Verify that zero is "falsey"
>>> bool(1) # Verify that one is "truthy"
>>> 0 and 1 # 0 is False. 0 is returned.


For a or b, if a is false, b is returned. If a is true, a is returned. a or b evaluates to True if either (or both) of the expressions are true.

>>> a = True    # a is true
>>> b = True
>>> a or b      # True is returned (value of a)

>>> a = False   # a is false
>>> b = True
>>> a or b      # True is returned (value of b)

>>> 0 or 1      # 0 is false. Return 1.


a not a
true False
false True

not a reverses the boolean value of a. If it was true, it will return False. If it was false, it will return True.

>>> a = True
>>> not a  # not returns the opposite. True -> False

>>> a = False
>>> not a  # not returns the opposite. False -> True

And again, with numbers. Remember, zero is considered False, any other number is considered True.

>>> bool(1)
>>> not 1
>>> bool(0)
>>> not 0

In Combination

When combining multiple boolean operators, you can add optional parenthesis for readability.

>>> a = True
>>> b = True
>>> c = False

>>> a and (b or c)

You can combine multiple operators to test complex assumptions. For example, to return True only if both values are False, we can use the not negation operation on the result of an or.

>>> a = False
>>> b = False

>>> a or b  # False because both are False.

>>> not (a or b)  # True - checking if both are False.

With “truthiness”

Remember, we learned that some values in Python are falsey like the number zero, and some are truthy like any number expect for zero.

It’s a little counter intuitive, but when we compare values other than booleans, our code behaves a little differently.

Operation Result
x or y if x is false, then y, else x
x and y if x is false, then x, else y

Let’s see it in action. First, lets test our assumptions again.

>>> bool(0)     # Truthiness of 0 is False

>>> bool(1)     # Truthiness of 1 is True

>>> bool(None)  # Truthiness of None type is False

>>> 1 or 0      # Returns 1, the True value

>>> 1 and 0     # Returns 0, the False value

>>> 0 or None   # Neither are True. Returns nothing (None)